Twelve years later


Sineokaya, God created you so.
The genius of the first love me,

He stood silent, washed by rains,
Sings wasp poison,

He swept past the trail,
He name is not easy,

Again, I see thin arms,
Again I heard the guttural sounds,

And in the deep blue eyes
again plunge reality.

Bad Nauheim


There are quiet moments:
Frosty pattern on glass;
Dream inadvertently cling to something,
Missing in the indoor heat…

And suddenly - the fog of raw garden,
Iron bridge over the creek,
All the roses in a gray fence,
And blue, blue eyes captured…

About something whispering jets,
Kruzhaschayasya head…
yours, hohlushka, kissing,
Your guttural words…

June 1909


In the quiet evening we met
(Heart remember these dreams).
Tree barely married
First spring greens.

Bright glow alley,
He disposed along the pond
This narrow alley
In dreams and shadows forever.

This youth, This tenderness -
For us it was?
All poems of my rebelliousness
Does not it set up?

Heart is occupied with dreams,
The heart remembers long term,
Late in the evening on the ponds,
Your perfumed handkerchief.

23 Martha 1910
Yelagin island

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