Sergei Gorodetsky
Sodveyg resort skiing
Ibsen. Peer Gynt.
Solveig! You ran on skis to me,
Bang smiled spring!
I lived in a poor and dark hut my
Many days, among the stones, without lights.
but cheerful, Green your eyes flashed to me -
I swung the ax widely!
I laugh and destroy the age-old pine tree,
I greet the bride - the spring!
Let on a new hut
It will be a set of blue -
Full of pines hide the blue!
This sky - your!
This is heaven - my!
Let no wonder I'm proud slyvu!
He lived in the woods, dreamily,
He sang prayers pine,
Above me stretched out the beauty.
You came - and light,
Winter Dream blown,
And spring roared in the forest!
Do you hear a ringing ax? See a joyful look,
At you looking at close range?
I hear my song? I destroy and sing
On my vesennyuyu Solveig!
Under my ax, chant praise,
Raskachnulis in blue trunks!
your voice - it is ringing louder than sounds of songs old pine!
Solveig! Song of Spring Green!
20 February 1906