Bezradostnыe vshodyat Seeds…

Bezradostnыe vshodyat Seeds.
A cold wind beating in the bare rods.
In my mind I open a letter.
I'm melting them - in the villages of, at the crossroads…
And I sneak, like a shadow, from lunar walls.
change, darken, glohnut wall.
I'm sweet on any changes,
Me every day gives rise to a change.
ABOUT, I live, as the bubbling blood!
I am here with the native underground springs!
moments secrets! You, eternal love!
I understood you! I'm with you! I follow you!
grows, growing great wall.
A cold wind beating in the bare rods.
I have opened, holy writings.
I keep you with a smile at a crossroads.

6 September 1902

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