I nestled up to the time in the aisle…

I nestled up to the time in the aisle,
But growing great wings.
The hour will come - will disappear the thought of the body,
It becomes transparent and clear heights.

so bright, in a day of fun meeting,
So prozrachna, How's your dream.
You'll hear the sweet voice,
New force will blossom mouth.

You and I did not have time to climb, –
I fired up my heavy shield.
Let now in the fatal chapel,
lonely, heart burn down.

New shield I raise to meet,
I lift up the living heart again.
You'll hear the sweet voice,
You responded to my love.

The hour will come - in the cold myatel
Dahl Spring glance, merry.
I nestled up to the time in the aisle.
But grow vsemoschnye wing.

29 January 1902

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Alexander Blok
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