Lucky popik

At the spring protalinki
For Evening Prayer - small
Popik marsh could be seen.

Vethaya ryaska over kochkoy
Scarcely perceptible point.

And bezburnosti Dawn reddish
Can not see devils possessed,
But the charm of the evening
Uvila around him his thin arms…
the sunset sounds,
Light rustling.

Quietly he prays,
smiles, klonitsya,
Lifting his hat.

Lame and the Frog, hobbling,
healing herb
Bandage aching paw.
Cross your fingers and let him walk:

- Here, go into the darling causeway.
My soul council
every creeping thing
And to all the beasts
And of all the faith.

And quietly praying,
Lifting his hat,
the stem, clone,
For sick beastly paw,
And for the Pope. –

Do not be afraid of the depths of shaking -
It will save you a black duckweed.

17 April 1905. Easter

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Alexander Blok
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